Automatically update the hidden dependencies in your Dockerfiles

You have probably already heard about Renovate - the fantastic tool that helps you to keep your dependencies up to date.

But today, we want to look at an edge case: how to keep your dependencies in your dependencies up to date (also called hidden dependencies)?

Atlassian provides a Confluence image. If you want to run this with an Oracle database, you have to inject the Oracle JDBC driver yourself. But how can you ensure that you automatically always will have the most recent OJDBC driver in your Confluence image? 

FROM atlassian/confluence:8.5.15-ubuntu-jdk17

# Download the ojdbc driver
RUN curl -fSL "" \
    -o "${CONFLUENCE_INSTALL_DIR}/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/ojdbc10.jar"

First of all, let's extract the semantic version tag from the URL into a separate ARG so that Renovate only needs to bump the version there:

FROM atlassian/confluence:8.5.15-ubuntu-jdk17


# Download the ojdbc driver
RUN curl -fSL "${OJDBC_VERSION}/ojdbc10-${OJDBC_VERSION}.jar" \
    -o "${CONFLUENCE_INSTALL_DIR}/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/ojdbc10.jar"

Next, we will add a comment directly above the ARG OJDBC version, which we will later use to tell Renovate what dependency type and package this version tag is about. It's a maven package with the package name "":

FROM atlassian/confluence:8.5.15-ubuntu-jdk17

# renovate: datasource=maven

# Download the ojdbc driver
RUN curl -fSL "${OJDBC_VERSION}/ojdbc10-${OJDBC_VERSION}.jar" \
    -o "${CONFLUENCE_INSTALL_DIR}/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/ojdbc10.jar"

You could write a custom regex manager in the Renovate config that updates this version tag. But what if you have multiple ARG or ENV version tags in multiple Dockerfiles within the same repo? You Probably don't want to write a regex config for each case.

Let's imagine you have something like this in your Dockerfile:

# renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=node packageName=nodejs/node versioning=node
# renovate: datasource=github-releases depName=composer packageName=composer/composer
# renovate: datasource=docker packageName=docker versioning=docker
# renovate: datasource=npm packageName=yarn

All you now need is the following regex configuration in your renovate.json config to detect and bump all of these version tags:

  "$schema": "",
  "extends": [
  "separateMinorPatch": true,
  "customManagers": [
      "customType": "regex",
      "description": "Update _VERSION variables in Dockerfiles",
      "fileMatch": ["(^|/|\\.)Dockerfile$", "(^|/)Dockerfile\\.[^/]*$"],
      "matchStrings": [
        "# renovate: datasource=(?<datasource>[a-z-]+?)(?: depName=(?<depName>.+?))? packageName=(?<packageName>.+?)(?: versioning=(?<versioning>[a-z-]+?))?\\s(?:ENV|ARG) .+?_VERSION=(?<currentValue>.+?)\\s"

Now, you could even set up auto merge for these Renovate updates. Make sure you have some merge checks before you enable this. At least you should ensure that the Docker image can still be built before a new Renovate pull request gets auto-merged.

✨ Happy renovating! ✨