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Automatically update the hidden dependencies in your Dockerfiles
You have probably already heard about Renovate - the fantastic tool that helps you to keep your dependencies up to date. But today, we want to look at an edge case: how to keep your dependencies in your dependencies up to date (also called hidden dependencies)?
Read MoreGitHub Classic vs. Fine-grained Personal Access Tokens
What are PATs? Personal access tokens are an alternative to using passwords for authentication to GitHub when using the GitHub API or the command line.
Read MoreData Validation Overview
What is Validation? Validation ensures data integrity by asserting conditions against data. Examples: Is a value required? What is the maximum length of a string? Is a given date valid? Often referred to as “defensive programming” or “trust but verify.” An essential but often overlooked step in software development.
Read MoreThird-party GitHub Actions
Today I came across these steps to guide our decision-making process, before using a 3rd Part GitHub Action:
Read MoreGitHub Codespace
What is a Codespace? A codespace is a development environment that’s hosted in the cloud. You can customize your project for GitHub Codespaces by committing configuration files to your repository (also known as configuration-as-code), which creates a repeatable codespace configuration for all users of your project. Each codespace you create is hosted by GitHub in a Docker container that runs on a virtual machine. You can choose the type of machine you want to use depending on the resources you need.
Read MoreHow to do a code review - Finecloud
This Blog post is my personal summary of Googles code review process.
Read MoreConventional commits
What are Conventional commits Conventional Commits is a convention for writing commit messages that provides structure and consistency to a project’s version control history. It’s based on the idea of defining a standard format for commit messages that makes it easier for developers to understand the changes made to a codebase over time.
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