Data Validation Overview

Table of Contents

What is Validation?

  • Validation ensures data integrity by asserting conditions against data.
  • Examples:
    • Is a value required?
    • What is the maximum length of a string?
    • Is a given date valid?
  • Often referred to as “defensive programming” or “trust but verify.”
  • An essential but often overlooked step in software development.

When to Validate?

  • Validate data early and often!
  • Validation should occur at every exchange:
    • UI level with user-friendly feedback.
    • RESTful API level before reaching the service layer.
    • Before persisting data into a database.
    • Database constraints also enforce validation.
  • Early validation prevents difficult error handling later.

Java Bean Validation

  • Java Bean Validation is a standardized Java API for validation.
  • Provides a structured way to validate data and handle errors.
  • More elegant than writing custom validation logic.
  • Bean Validation is an API, requiring an implementation.
  • Fun Fact: Gunnar Morling, founder of MapStruct, leads the Bean Validation API and contributes to Hibernate Validator.

Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0

  • Released in July 2020.
  • Renamed from “Bean Validation” to “Jakarta Bean Validation.”
  • The primary change from 2.0 to 3.0 was package renaming:
    • 2.0: javax.validation
    • 3.0: jakarta.validation
  • Supported in Spring Framework 6.x+.
  • Hibernate Validator 7.x+ is a common implementation.

Built-In Constraint Definitions

  • @Null - Checks if value is null.
  • @NotNull - Ensures value is not null.
  • @AssertTrue - Value must be true.
  • @AssertFalse - Value must be false.
  • @Min(value) - Checks if number is equal to or greater than value.
  • @Max(value) - Checks if number is equal to or less than value.
  • @Size(min, max) - Checks if a string or collection size is within limits.
  • @Pattern(regex) - Validates against a regular expression.
  • @NotEmpty - Ensures string/collection is neither null nor empty.
  • @Email - Validates email format.
  • And many more…

Hibernate Validator Constraints

  • @CreditCardNumber - Validates credit card format.
  • @Currency - Ensures valid currency amount.
  • @ISBN - Checks for valid ISBN.
  • @Range(min, max) - Validates if number falls within range.
  • @URL - Ensures a valid URL format.
  • @UniqueElements - Ensures a collection has unique elements.
  • Several additional domain-specific constraints exist.

Validation and Spring Framework

  • Spring Framework integrates seamlessly with Bean Validation.
  • Can be used in controllers, services, and Spring-managed components.
  • Spring MVC automatically returns 400 Bad Request for validation failures.
  • Spring Data JPA enforces validation at persistence level.

Spring Boot and Validation

  • Spring Boot auto-configures validation if an implementation is on the classpath.
  • If only the API is present (without an implementation), validation annotations exist but do nothing.
  • Spring Boot 2.3+ requires manually adding the validation starter dependency.
  • Example:

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