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Working Efficiently Within Different Directories in a Linux Shell
Introduction Suppose you need to perform work in multiple directories:
Read MoreMicroservices
This Post is a summary of the famous Article about Microservices:
Read MoreThe Concept of API Contracts - Finecloud
The Concept of API Contracts What is it about? We define an API contract as a formal agreement between a software provider and a consumer that abstractly communicates how to interact with each other. This contract defines how API providers and consumers interact, what data exchanges look like, and how to communicate success and failure cases.
Read MoreSpring Boot on Kubernetes
Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop We will use Docker Desktop to provide us a Test Kubernetes Environment.
Read MoreJava Basics: Exceptions
What are Exceptions? An exception is an event, commonly it is a problem that arises during the execution of a program. When an Exception occurs the normal progris disrupted and the program/Application terminates abnormally, which is not recommended. Unexpected termination of an Application is never wanted and this is why exceptions should be handled, so that the Application lets the User know that some Error or Problem exists, but the Application itself should not just die without any information.
Read MoreDifference between heap and stack
In this Post I try to explain the difference between the heap and the stack. It’s just a very high level amateur explanation, there is a lot more to read and learn about this Topics.
Read MoreBackup OPNsense to Nextcloud
What is OPNsense? OPNsense® is an open source, easy-to-use and easy-to-build FreeBSD based firewall and routing platform.
Read MoreThreema Safe backup to Nextcloud
Did you know that Threema allows you to backup your Threema app to a custom Threema Safe server? You can, for example, use your Nextcloud to keep your Threema backups safe.
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