Software Development

Data Validation Overview

What is Validation? Validation ensures data integrity by asserting conditions against data. Examples: Is a value required? What is the maximum length of a string? Is a given date valid? Often referred to as “defensive programming” or “trust but verify.” An essential but often overlooked step in software development.

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GitHub Codespace

What is a Codespace? A codespace is a development environment that’s hosted in the cloud. You can customize your project for GitHub Codespaces by committing configuration files to your repository (also known as configuration-as-code), which creates a repeatable codespace configuration for all users of your project. Each codespace you create is hosted by GitHub in a Docker container that runs on a virtual machine. You can choose the type of machine you want to use depending on the resources you need.

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How to do a code review - Finecloud

This Blog post is my personal summary of Googles code review process.

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Conventional commits

What are Conventional commits Conventional Commits is a convention for writing commit messages that provides structure and consistency to a project’s version control history. It’s based on the idea of defining a standard format for commit messages that makes it easier for developers to understand the changes made to a codebase over time.

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Clean Code Summary

Summary of ‘Clean Code’ by Robert C. Martin Original Summary on GitHub

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The Concept of API Contracts - Finecloud

The Concept of API Contracts What is it about? We define an API contract as a formal agreement between a software provider and a consumer that abstractly communicates how to interact with each other. This contract defines how API providers and consumers interact, what data exchanges look like, and how to communicate success and failure cases.

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Spring Boot on Kubernetes

Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop We will use Docker Desktop to provide us a Test Kubernetes Environment.

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Java Basics: Exceptions

What are Exceptions? An exception is an event, commonly it is a problem that arises during the execution of a program. When an Exception occurs the normal progris disrupted and the program/Application terminates abnormally, which is not recommended. Unexpected termination of an Application is never wanted and this is why exceptions should be handled, so that the Application lets the User know that some Error or Problem exists, but the Application itself should not just die without any information.

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Difference between heap and stack

In this Post I try to explain the difference between the heap and the stack. It’s just a very high level amateur explanation, there is a lot more to read and learn about this Topics.

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