
My public notes about various information technology topics... 

How to do a code review

This Blog post is my personal summary of Googles code review process Make sure to review every line of code you’ve been asked to review, look at the context, make sure you’re improving code health, and compliment developers on good things that they do. Look at…

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Building a GraphQL service

Let's build a GraphQL Spring Application that will accept GraphQL requests at http://localhost:8080/graphql. First let's navigate to This service pulls in all the dependencies you need for an application and does most of the setup for you. GraphQL is a query language to retrieve…

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This Post is a summary of the famous Article about Microservices: The text discusses the concept of "Microservice Architecture," which is an approach to designing software applications as a suite of independently deployable services. It highlights that there is no precise definition but outlines…

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The Concept of API Contracts

What is it about? We define an API contract as a formal agreement between a software provider and a consumer that abstractly communicates how to interact with each other. This contract defines how API providers and consumers interact, what data exchanges looks like, and how…

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