software development (55)

Conventional commits

What are Conventional commits Conventional Commits is a convention for writing commit messages that provides structure and consistency to a project's version control history. It's based on the idea of defining a standard format for commit messages that makes it easier for developers to understand…

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Summary of 'Clean code' by Robert C. Martin: Code is clean if it can be understood easily – by everyone on the team. Clean code can be read and enhanced by a developer other than its original author. With understandability comes readability, changeability, extensibility…

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JavaScript advanced features

New Features New versions of JavaScript, such as ES6, ES2016, 2017, etc., come with many new features, however it is still ECMAScript Many of the new features are syntactic sugar or extend the functionality only marginal Template Literals Template literals are string literals with support…

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JavaScript and the browser

The DOM Based on the received HTML document the browser builds up a model of the document structure, the Document Object Model (DOM) The DOM has a tree structure and each node of the document is represented by an object The browser renders the page…

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JavaScript objects

Object An object is a collection of properties A property has a name and a value An object can be seen as associative array (map) where the keys in the array are the names of the object’s properties // Create object as literal const bob…

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