stream-api (3)

Java working with databases

Introduction In this Post I will describe how you can easily learn, test and play around with Java interacting with SQL Databases. This post is a summary of my Java learning course I'm taking on udemy. The post is not intended to be spread around…

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Java basics: Dates and Time

Local date Now Let's start with the basics, we just want to represent the date today and print that local date now: public class TimeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { LocalDate now =; System.out.println(now); } } output: 2022-08-29 Process finished with exit…

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Java basics: Optionals

What are Optionals? For the the number one use case for them has to do with null values. So whenever we're dealing with objects in Java, we store references to objects in variables. And those variables may or may not actually be pointing back to…

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